Credibility in computational science
Scientific credibility, especially in computation, turns largely on the success or failure of attempts to reproduce findings. Reproducibility has become a topic of discussion in many disciplines because, as Roger Peng says, “for every ‘X’ we now have ‘Computational X'” (Peng 2013).
Reproducibility itself does not guarantee that findings are correct (reproducible work can still be wrong). But the attempt to reproduce computational work can inform the debate on the credibility of the findings, as a number of recent cases illustrate.
First, in macroeconomics, attempts to reproduce the findings of Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart led to the discovery of coding errors, selective exclusion of available data, and unconventional weighting of summary statistics (Herdon, Ash, and Pollin 2013). Using different, plausible weightings, support for their hypothesis vanished. Peng explains that “the Reinhart-Rogoff kerfuffle is another example of analysis that ultimately was reproducible but nevertheless questionable” (Peng 2013). Though Rogoff and Reinhart’s findings did not cause the austerity policies promoted in Western democracies since 2008, the questionable findings were used to rationalize those policies (Krugman 2013).
Kenneth Reinhart and Carmen Rogoff.
Second, in cancer therapy developed at Duke University, attempts to reproduce the findings of Anil Potti led to the discovery that he had used unstable code, selectively excluded data, and made simple errors producing results potentially harmful to patients. Third-year medical student Bradford Perez courageously alerted the university to his concerns about Potti’s misconduct in 2008 but was rebuffed. Eventually, Potti left Duke, at least 12 journal articles have been retracted, and the clinical trials based on that modeling were terminated (deBruyn 2015). On May 1, 2015, Duke reportedly settled a lawsuit involving the families of eight patients who were treated in the clinical trials (Oransky 2015). Peng cites this case as one in which the procedures were not really reproducible (Keith Baggerly and his colleagues put something like 2000 hours into figuring out what Potti and others did), but “in the end, Baggerly was able to reproduce some of the results—this was how he was able to figure out that the analyses were incorrect” (Peng 2013).
Anil Potti, formerly of Duke University.
Lastly, in climate science, for years the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) resisted sharing the code and data underlying Penn State professor of meteorology Michael Mann’s famous “hockey stick” graph showing 1000 years of global temperature variation. The CRU’s reluctance to share the data and the code, says Victoria Stodden, had undermined public confidence in scientific credibility (Stodden 2009) even though subsequent comparative studies support the essential hockey stick finding (Pearce 2010). Stodden continues,
My sense is that had this climate modeling community made its code and data readily available in a way that facilitated reproducibility of results, not only would they have avoided this embarrassment [of the leaked emails and the subsequent controversy] but the discourse would have been about scientific methods and results rather than potential evasions of FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] requests, whether or not data were fudged, or scientists acted improperly in squelching dissent or manipulating journal editorial boards (Stodden 2009).
1000 years of temperature variation: the hockey stick graph by Michael Mann.
In Implementing Reproducible Research (Stodden, Leisch, and Peng 2014, Ch. 12), Stodden concludes that computational science today “faces a crisis of credibility. Without access to the code and data that underlie scientific discoveries, published findings are all but impossible to verify. Yet current intellectual property law stands directly and unavoidably in the way of open science.” Stodden’s essay on intellectual property in this book is a great introduction to the IP dilemma.
I cannot resolve the IP conflict here, nor does Stodden. What I can do however, is discuss how the ideas of reproducible research can have a powerful effect on your own research productivity, even if you never plan to share your data and code with anyone else. As Paul Wilson, of the University of Wisconsin Madison, puts it “Your closest collaborator is you six months ago, but you don’t reply to emails.” Everyone writing on this subject agrees, the first beneficiary of making your work reproducible is your future self.
What reproducible research can do for you
The workflow that so many of us are familiar with starts like this: acquire some data and use a favorite analysis software, e.g. MATLAB, R, or Excel, to iteratively explore the data until we have a graph we think tells an important story. We save these preliminary findings as graphic files or data tables. We begin writing up the findings in our favorite reporting software, e.g., MSWord or LaTeX, manually importing the graphs and tables. We find we have to revise some data, so we remake the graphs, manually import them to the report, and revise the report narrative. After several iterations, the report is ready for submission to a conference or journal or to our collaborators for review and comment.
A familiar workflow.
Time passes.
We obtain comments from the reviewers leading to yet more revisions, editing, and manually embedding new figures and tables in the report. Eventually the report is submitted in final form.
More time passes.
Preparing for a conference at which we present these findings, we begin to prepare presentation slides using yet another software package. We remake the figures and tables for easy viewing and again manually embed them in the presentation file. After several iterations that include feedback and revisions from our collaborators, if any, and the presentation is final and presented.
More time passes.
Someone wants to reproduce some segment of the original work, a graduate student perhaps, a colleague, or even yourself. We look through the our poorly organized directories trying to use the date stamp to determine which set of data files, analysis files, and presentation were used to create a particular figure in the original paper or presentation. Even if successful, it usually takes more time that we can afford because we didn’t plan or execute the work with reproducibility in mind from the start.
Important obstacles to efficiently reproducing one’s own work are the pull-down menus and mouse clicks of GUI interfaces. First, as Karl Broman, UW-Madison, says, “If you do anything ‘by hand’ once, you’ll do it 100 times.” Second, manual operations leave no record. You can spend as much or even more time trying to reconstruct your work as you spent doing it in the first place.
The tools and practices of reproducible research can address this problem, improving your personal research productivity, even if you never intend to share your data and code with others. For taking your first steps in learning reproducible research, I suggest two basic principles:
- Explicitly link computing, results, and narrative.
- Organize for reproducibility from the beginning of a project.
Explicitly link computing, results, and narrative
The idea of blending narrative and computing in the same script originated with GNU make files and Donald Knuth’s “literate programming” concept and was advanced by Jon Claerbot at Stanford. Brief histories of the reproducible research literature are given in (Gandrud 2014; Stodden, Leisch, and Peng 2014; and Xie 2014).
I think many R users would credit Yihui Xie’s knitr package as the breakthrough that made dynamic documents easy to create and maintain. And integrating knitr into the RStudio IDE made management of reproducible computational projects even more accessible. Xie’s book and website are the go-to references for knitr while Gandrud’s book is an exceptional reference for organizing and implementing reproducible computational projects from data gathering and manipulation, to analysis and results, to rendering the report in various formats (Gandrud 2014).
The basic principle of the dynamic document is to link computing, results, and narrative in the same script or set of scripts. For example, you can open a script, write some narrative describing some data, in the same script write some R code that will create a graph when the script is rendered, and add some additional narrative to discuss the graph.
The script is rendered to create an output file in the format specified, e.g., PDF or HTML, the R code is executed, and the graph is embedded in the document with the accompanying narrative formatted per instructions in the script. Any changes to the data, graph, analysis, or narrative are updated when the report is re-rendered.
One of the great advantages of using RStudio for implementing reproducible research is the ease of rendering LaTeX markup (.Rnw files) to .tex and PDF format or RMarkdown markup (.Rmd files) to HTML or MSWord format. Rendering to MSWord is especially useful when your collaborators require files to be shared in .docx format.
Organize for reproducibility from the beginning of a project
Christopher Gandrud makes a very good case for organizing one’s work for reproducibility from the beginning of a project and gives practical advice on how to implement a reproducible project (Gandrud 2014). In this approach:
- Every file is a script
- Every script is connected explicitly
- File management is planned
Contract directory. Every contract has a directory at this level. This directory contains sub-directories for business-related files, e.g., contracts, invoices, and correspondence, and one or more project directories for the reproducible computational work.
Project directory. Within a contract, I organize the work by major topic or publication, assigning each major outcome, e.g., a journal article or workshop, to its own directory at this level—I use RStudio’s Project feature at this level. For example, a contract that produces three journal articles has three “project” directories at this level. A project directory contains all files needed to reproduce the major outcome.
Gandrud suggests a Project directory with three main sub-directories: Data, Analysis, and Presentation. I prefer having 6 main sub-directories: Common, Data, Design, Reports, Visuals, and WordPPT.
Common directory. For document elements re-used from project to project, e.g., business logo, LaTeX preambles, bibliography files, templates for rendering RMarkdown to MSWord, etc. The disadvantage of locating this directory here is that a duplicate exists in every project directory. Global revisions can be a chore. The advantage is that every project folder is self-contained to support reproducibility.
Data directory. Excel data spreadsheets received from collaborators; R scripts that gather and manipulate data and write the structured data frames to file in CSV format. The R scripts document the file names used and the data manipulation explicitly, enabling me or someone else to reproduce or verify the work. I usually make these R scripts self-contained so that I can run them independently of any other work in the project.
Design directory. R scripts that read the prepared CSV data files, create graphs and tables, and write them to the Visuals directory in desired graphic formats. These R scripts are also self-contained so I can execute them independently while I’m designing and revising a graph. I prefer to call this directory “Design” because my primary work is in creating graphs; others may prefer “Analysis”.
Reports directory. Scripts in .Rnw or .Rmd markup to produce the final report document. If I’m the sole author for a project, I use .Rnw markup because LaTeX supports advanced design of documents. I use .Rmd markup when I have collaborators who use MSWord exclusively. In either case, the report script executes each independent data script and design script by name and includes the resulting tables and graphs in the report with accompanying narratives. This is the master script that invokes all the other scripts required to render a particular report in the desired format, e.g., PDF, HTML, or MSWord.
Placing my main script for the report in a Reports directory is contrary to Yihui Xie’s advice in (Xie 2014); he prefers the main report script to be in the working directory. I prefer the arrangement shown here. However, I agree with Xie’s advice to use relative directory paths to support portability and reproducibility.
WordPPT directory. I regularly work with colleagues do not work reproducibly—who regularly do analysis in Excel, reporting in Word, and presenting in PowerPoint. Materials they send me are saved in this directory. If any of their work affects my reproducible work, I make the necessary updates and revisions to my scripts, re-run the main report, and send it to my collaborators.
If I am in charge of the final report, it will be fully reproducible. If another member of the team is in charge of the final report and they are not using reproducible practices, they will copy and paste elements from my work to import it to the final report. Thus some non-reproducible steps are introduced into the work flow.
Hoefling and Rossinni, in (Stodden, Leisch, and Peng 2014, Ch. 8), have some perceptive insights into the problems of collaborating on large-scale reproducible projects. Some of the future improvements they wanted have been addressed since the book was published, e.g., if one uses RMarkdown to render a report to MSWord, we now have support for tables and MSWord style assignments for headers, footers, section headings, etc. Tables are now supported using the kable() function in knitr or using RMarkdown to MSWord.
Next steps
I’ve covered what I consider the first steps in making one’s research reproducible. However, full reproducibility entails much more than dynamic documents and well-designed directories.
Each of the three books that have been my primary references to date go into more detail. In general, Xie focuses on the dynamic document, Gandrud on the reproducible project, and Stodden, Leisch, and Peng on all of the above (tools, practices, guidelines, and platforms) including larger issues such as intellectual property, the practice of open science, large-scale projects, and reproducible publishing.
Numerous resources on reproducible research are available online. For example, Sandve, et al. (2013) describe “10 simple rules” for reproducibility covering issues I’ve omitted here. The R-bloggers site is a searchable compendium of R news and tutorials; the slideshare site yields numerous hits on reproducible research presentations.
Applying two basic principles for reproducible research—explicitly linking computing, results, and narrative, and organizing for reproducibility from the beginning of a project—has improved the productivity of my computational work and my contributions to collaborative research.
In retrospect, it seems astonishing that work flows like I’ve described here have been not taught to students of science, engineering, and mathematics until only just recently. As Millman and Perez put it,
Yet, for all its importance, computing receives perfunctory attention in the training of new scientists and in the conduct of everyday research. It is treated as an inconsequential task that students and researchers learn “on the go” with little consideration for ensuring computational results are trustworthy, comprehensible, and ultimately a secure foundation for reproducible outcomes. Software and data are stored with poor organization, little documentation, and few tests. A haphazard patchwork of software tools is used with limited attention paid to capturing the complex workflows that emerge. The evolution of code is not tracked over time, making it difficult to understand what iteration of the code was used to obtain any specific result. Finally, many of the software packages used by scientists in research are proprietary and closed source, preventing complete understanding and control of the final scientific result (Stodden, Leisch, and Peng 2014, Ch. 6).
Anyone working to make their research reproducible will find abundant advice, practical suggestions, how-to examples, and ideas and issues to ponder in all of the three main references (Gandrud 2014; Stodden, Leisch, and Peng 2014; and Xie 2014). I have read and re-read them a number of times and I look forward to the Gandrud’s second edition scheduled for release later this year.
Image credits
Image of Reinhart and Rogoff, courtesy of The Commentator, reprinted under Creative Commons license.
Image of Anil Potti, from © 2015 Sinclair Communications, LLC.
“Hockey stick” graph from Mann, Bradley, & Hughes, Nature, 1998. Reprinted from The Guardian, © 2015 Guardian News and Media Limited.
Bing logo images for MATLAB, Microsoft Word, Excel, & PowerPoint, and for Adobe PDF are reprinted under Creative Commons license.
Other clip art courtesy of, used with permission.
deBruyn, Jason. 2015. “Trial involving disgraced scientist and bunk Duke research to begin Monday.” Triangle Business Journal, Jan. 23.
Gandrud, Christopher. 2014. Reproducible Research with R and RStudio. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group LLC.
Herdon, Thomas, Michael Ash, and Robert Pollin. 2013. “Does high public debt consistently stifle economic growth? A critique of Reinhart and Rogoff.” Political Economy Research Institute, U Mass Amherst working paper series 322.
Krugman, Paul. 2013. “How the case for austerity has crumbled.” The New York Review of Books, Jun 6.
Ivan Oransky. 2015. “Malpractice case against Duke, Anil Potti settled.” Retraction Watch. May 1.
Pearce, Fred. 2010. “Climate change debate overheated after sceptic grasped hockey stick.” The Guardian, Feb 9.
Peng, Roger. 2013. “Treading a new path for reproducible research: Part 1.” Blog post. Simply Statistics. Aug 21.
Sandve, Geir Kjetil, Anton Nekrutenko, James Taylor, and Eivind Hovig. “Ten simple rules for reproducible computational research.” PLOS Computational Biology 9 (10). e1003285. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003285.
Stodden, Victoria. 2009. “The climate modeling leak: Code and data generating published results must be open and facilitate reproducibility.” Blog post. Nov. 30.
Stodden, Victoria, Friedrich Leisch, and Roger D. Peng, eds. 2014. Implementing Reproducible Research. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group LLC.
Xie, Yihui. 2014. Dynamic Documents with R and knitr. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group LLC.
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