I offer two types of data visualization workshops: one with hands-on programming and one without.
In the workshop R graphics for the absolute beginner, participants get started with R and learn to create dot plots—a superior alternative to pie charts, bar charts, and (some) tables. The workshop also provides a basis for continuing to learn R afterwards.
In the workshop Principles of data graphics and visual rhetoric, participants learn essential principles of contemporary data graphics and effective visual rhetoric and to recognize visual illusions, graphical lies, and the limitations of common graphs. No programming or software is involved. Principles are extensively illustrated and activities are pencil-and-paper.
I also offer a short course in creating effective graphs tailored to fit your needs and budget using material from my 40 hour Visualizing Data course. The software is R and the text is by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund (2017) R for Data Science, O’Reilly Media.